
но жалок тот, кто смерти ждет, не смея умереть!©
Это просто так, ибо нефиг оставлять открытый аккаунт на чужом компе ^___^
Кто споет здесь песенку, получит конфету.

это была злая женщина Френд, которая  Единый Проектор Всего Существующего.
но конфетки заработаны честно!:)

19.04.2009 в 17:20

Love has its limits. (c) Kristina Yang.
(Поёт песенку из фильма Wilde)
''he loves me,
He loves me,
19.04.2009 в 17:25

но жалок тот, кто смерти ждет, не смея умереть!©
Альбус Северус Поттер
Этого мало как-то, больше, чем на полконфетки не тянет...
19.04.2009 в 17:26

Что нам печали, что нам потери? Тихое сердце многое стерпит.

I remember when I was told of story of crushed velvet,
candle wax, and dried up flowers
The figure on the bed all dressed up in roses, calling
Beckoning to sleep,
Offering a dream

words were as mystical as purring animals
The circle of rage
The ghosts on the stage appeared
The time was so tangible, I'll never let it go
Ghost stories handed down, reached secret tunnels below
No one could see me

I fell into yesterday
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay
I fell into fantasy

The words were as mystical as purring animals
The circle of rage
The ghosts on the stage appeared
The time was so tangible, I'll never let it go
Ghost stories handed down, reached secret tunnels below
No one could see me

I fell into yesterday.
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay.
I fell into fantasy

The girl on the wall always waited for me,
And she was always smiling
The teenage death boys
The teenage death girls
And everyone was dancing
Nothing could touch us then
No one could change us then
Everyone was dancing
Nothing could hurt us then
No one could see us then
Everyone was dancing
Everyone was dancing

No one could see me

I fell into yesterday
Our dreams seemed not far away
I want to, I want to, I want to stay
I fell into fantasy

Our dreams seemed not far away
Our dreams seemed not far away
Our dreams seemed not far away

I fell into fantasy

(AFI - Days of the Phoenix)
19.04.2009 в 17:31

но жалок тот, кто смерти ждет, не смея умереть!©
Вот, полноценное пение! Выбирай конфету! ^^
19.04.2009 в 17:37

Я никогда не менялась, я просто все более становилась собой.
19.04.2009 в 20:09

я ирландец - расизм в моей природе.
Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
And all the girlies say I'm pretty fly (for a white guy).
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis.

You know it's kind of hard just to get along today.
The subject isn't cool but he fakes it anyway.
He may not have a clue, and he may not have style,
But everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial.

So don't debate, just play it straight.
You know he really doesn't get it anyway.
Gotta play the field, and keep it real.
For you no way, for you no way.
So if you don't rate, just overcompensate,
At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake.
The world needs wannabes,
So hey, hey do that brand new thing.

Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
And all the girls say I'm pretty fly (for a white guy).

He needs some cool tunes, not just any will suffice,
But they didn't have Ice Cube so he bought Vanilla Ice.
Now cruising in his Pinto he sees homies as he pass,
But if he looks twice they're gonna kick his lily ass.

So don't debate, just play it straight.
You know he really doesn't get it anyway.
Gotta play the field, and keep it real.
For you no way, for you no way.
So if you don't rate, just overcompensate,
At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake.
The world loves wannabes,
So hey, hey do that brand new thing.

Now he's getting a tattoo, yeah, he's gettin' ink done.
He asked for a 13 but they drew a 31.
Friends say he's trying too hard and he's not quite hip,
But in his own mind, he's the, he's the dopest trip.

Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh!
uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis.

So don't debate, cuz he's a player straight.
You know he really doesn't get it anyway.
He's gonna play the field, and keep it real.
For you no way, for you no way.
So if you don't rate, just overcompensate,
At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake.
The world needs wannabes,
The world loves wannabes.
So let's get some more wannabes.
And hey, hey do that brand new thing!
19.04.2009 в 21:13

Лора ли?.. :emn:

Будем друг друга любить.
Завтра нас расстреляют.
Не пытайся понять, зачем,
Не пытайся понять, за что.

Поскользнемся на влаге ночной
И на скользких тенях, что мелькают,
Бросая тревожный след
На золотое пятно.

Встань в проеме двери.
Как медное изваянье,
Как бронзовое распятье
Встань, встань в проеме двери

Когда-то я был королем,
А ты была королевой.
Но тень легла на струну,
И оборвалась струна.

И от святой стороны
Нам ничего не досталось
Кроме последней любви
И золотого пятна.

Встань в проеме двери,
Как медное изваянье,
Как бронзовое распятье,
Встань, встань в проеме двери.

Это был Бутусов) м.. конфетку?
19.04.2009 в 23:42

но жалок тот, кто смерти ждет, не смея умереть!©
Это Offspring! Ня-ня-ня! Две конфетки за то, что песню я знаю )))
Антошка без гармошки и с придурью немножко Lesly
Не Лора ^^ Лесли тоже заслужила конфетку ))

Ройчег, прости опять, что с твоего аккаунта, но не могу конфетки не раздать... ))
19.04.2009 в 23:44

я ирландец - расизм в моей природе.
*ест заработанные конфетки* :)
20.04.2009 в 18:32

А какую мне??
21.04.2009 в 00:20

Бу! :)
пошел в задницу, Лаэрт
Я тя тоже как-нить спалю, вот увидишь <__<
Тебе рафаэлка :)
21.04.2009 в 00:34

моя любимая! :ura: